Can miracles happen in rivers? Picking up stones in a river in Aichi Prefecture | Memories No. 30 |

Stone picking trip | Shonai River, Aichi Prefecture

November 23, 2016.

I continue to suffer from Aomori Stone Syndrome.
No matter where you pick up stones on the coast, Nishikishi will always be in your mind.
Fukui, which was overfished by TADA, Niigata, and Izu, which are famous but have almost no jade or agate (subjective). Omaezaki was overfished by Designer E. To begin with, Aichi and Mie have no stones.
I’m sure there are more in the north, but if so, I’d go to Aomori. Hokkaido is too far away.
In other words, there is no coast with good stones within easy reach.

So, I decided to give up on my journey to find a better stone coast and focus on keeping my mind fresh.
In the first place, picking up stones has a lot to do with internal factors and the mental landscape of the person.
In order to regain the joy and joy I felt when picking up stones, I decided to pick up stones with someone who had no experience at all.

There is a female designer named Siberia M, who was Thoroughbred K’s junior when she was in Nagoya, and who was busy working in the design business under harsh conditions and suffered both physically and mentally.
She had been subliminally told about stones, and even though she had never picked up any stones, she was about to transform into a stone woman.

If you ask him if he would like to go pick up stones on his next holiday, he will immediately answer.
He also invited DEGU, a female designer who is Siberia M’s senior and Thoroughbred K’s junior, and she readily agreed. Let’s do it, Siberia M.

I immediately thought about picking up stones, but where should I go to pick them up? There are no beaches in the Aichi Sea where you can collect stones.
If he suddenly goes out to collect stones and ends up with zero harvest, Siberian M, who is already mentally unstable, will be traumatized by stones.

I don’t want to, but I have no choice. If this happens, it’s a river.
Even though it’s stone and the sea, it’s still a river. I have introduced river rock collecting many times.
Nakatsu River (Gifu), Kuzuryu River (Fukui), Shiratagawa (Shizuoka), Tenryu River (Shizuoka).
This time, let’s have them open their eyes to picking up stones at a nearby river, and have them become great stone people like TADA.

More good news came from Siberia M. Apparently, there is another woman among his seniors who has the potential to become a stone. His name is K. Stone. It has a stone in its name. What’s more, he’s already half a stone tall…!
However, they are not ordinary stones that we stone people like to collect, but rather minerals. Mumumu,,. This is tough. We might end up creating another monster like TADA… .
This is truly a sinful act, causing the number of stone people to proliferate and leading to over-hunting of the clean stones all over Japan.

That’s what I thought, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I decided not to participate this time. That’s really unfortunate.

The location is the Shonai River, which everyone who lives in Nagoya knows.
The image of the Shonai River is not very good, and the water quality downstream cannot be called clean. It probably won’t be that bad if you go to the middle stream, but this time I wanted to pick up stones nearby, so I decided to pick them up around Kozoji Temple. In the first place, it is not clear which part of the river is called the upstream, midstream, or downstream.

So I headed to the Shonai River. meet at the venue.

Siberia M and DEGU met up before me.
When they arrived at the Shonai River, the two were basking in the sun.

The water quality of the Shonai River is still not good.
Although it’s a little better than downstream.

Shall we start collecting stones?

Mumumu,,. It’s a river, after all, and it’s rough and gray and full of dull colored stones.

this is,,. It’s a real parking lot.
I’m worried about the reaction of the two people who picked up the first stone… I hope it’s not traumatic.

Are you tired of it already?
Picking up stones ends within 5 minutes.

Hmm, but I can’t help it.
Because it looks like a parking lot.

Is it better to pick up your first stone at a top stone spot like Aomori where you can be completely captivated by the stones?
Whether it is better for children to gradually discover the charm of picking up stones in an ordinary spot full of stones is an important question in future plans to develop stone people.

The two of them started seriously looking for stones.
As expected of a designer. He has a talent for stone.
Well, if it wasn’t there, there’s no way they would agree to pick up stones in the first place.

If you look at it objectively, it’s a strange sight.
Two women came to the river with all their might.
I’m too scared to imagine replacing this with my normal self and TADA.

Siberian M keeps showing me stones.
How’s this?
Natoran! ! !
I threw the stone away.

How’s this?

How’s this?
How’s this?
Poi. Poi.

How’s this?
How’s this?
How’s this?
Poi. Poi. Poi. Poi.

How’s this
Don’t just pick it up at random!

Let’s project the stone world more into our hearts and have a dialogue!

I don’t even know what I’m talking about!

The stones that three of us, including myself, picked up.
Siberia M, there were actually some nice stones.

Shonai River, which I thought was a parking lot, was surprisingly fun.
Finished picking up stones.
That’s what I thought, but
This wasn’t the end.
On the way home, DEGU says there is a place he wants to stop at.
It also involves collecting crystals.
Apparently, he once went digging with K. Stone, the mineral enthusiast I introduced earlier.
Siberian M’s eyes sparkle at the word “crystal”.

Is that so? Is it a crystal that shines brighter than a plain stone lying in the river?

Of course.
After a short ride on the train, I headed to the nearest station to the crystal quarry.

Walk from the station.
Quite a rural feel. Along the way, various fruit-bearing trees are planted, which makes me excited.
As I have said many times, people who like stones like fruits.




An ordinary fruit.
Of course, I also like plants that grow robustly in nature, and I also like flowers that bloom healthily on the roadside.
However, I also sense the purity of the human heart in the fruit-bearing trees planted in residential gardens, which I enjoy as objects to be admired and observed.

Fruits can be controlled to some extent by humans.

Stones cannot be controlled within the limited time available to humans. It takes an incredible amount of years.

It looks like it’s going to be a fruit diary, so I’ll leave it here.

We arrived at a place where crystals can be found.

Go inside.
I thought to myself, can I really collect crystals? I’m skeptical.

Siberia M suddenly starts looking for crystals. Insanity.
I wanted him to show that same drive when he was at Shonai River.

Is this it?
Siberia M is exciting.
Is it really crystal?

Before I knew it, there were two women intently searching for the crystal.
After all, shiny things captivate my heart. Once again, I was keenly aware of the lack of strength of the stones.

It’s a very small crystal fragment, but it’s definitely fallen.
So K. Stone’s information was accurate.

Siberia M manipulates a mysterious wooden stick and easily obtains crystals.
There is a pile of fine crystals in the palm of his hand.

There were hardly any large ones, probably because they had already been picked up by someone who loves minerals.
Even stones that seem to be infinitely available can easily be overfished by TADA.
It would not be surprising if all the crystals that stole everyone’s hearts were no longer picked up.

Since we were both satisfied, we decided to go home.
Can we call this stone picking a success?
no. I lost to the crystal. Is it best to go to Aomori to pick up stones and experience the impact of Nishikishi?

On the way home, DEGU got a mysterious fluffy object.
Could it be some kind of seed?


The sun has set.
This ends.

I’ll show you some of the stones I found.

Stones picked up in the river | Shonai River, Aichi Prefecture

A round stone. The faint striped pattern is beautiful.

This is also Shimashima. It is a wonder that this pattern is created at regular intervals over many years.

All of the stones I picked up looked like this. Is it okay to use the Shonai River?
I don’t really understand the level of rocks in the river.
→Various stones I have picked up so far

Closer cut. Yeah, it’s not bad. It’s not bad, but it’s not that good either.

Next time, memory number 31 will be about the river again.
Thoroughbred K enters the stone zone at Tamagawa in Tokyo.

→ Read from the first stone diary
You can choose a stone diary from / at the bottom of the menu on the right side of this site.

→A photographic work by ISHINOHITO.