Collecting Stones on the Coast of Ishikawa, Slippery Gray Stones | Memories No. 121 |

Stone picking trip|Ishikawa prefecture coast

November 16, 2022.
Heading to the second stone spot with Chari-Zum ANDO. The sun is indeed beginning to set; it’s not just my imagination. It’s gradually getting darker. I need to hurry, or I’ll miss the next stone spot. Especially since Stone Lover took the time to share it with me!

ANDO is driving the car. On our stone-collecting journeys, ANDO drives on the way there, and I drive on the way back. When I drive, I can’t navigate the stone spots or visually check the condition of the sea.

Hurry, hurry up, ANDO.
But don’t speed.

Vroom, vroom, vroom.


ANDO is rough.
His driving is aggressive. His steering and braking are erratic. If ANDO drives on mountain roads, I might get carsick.
But I am grateful. Your driving allows me to closely observe the stones on the coast.

We’ve arrived.
The coast has become quite dark. Caw, caw, caw. (sound of birds)
Let’s start looking at the stones right away.

Roll, roll, roll~.

Gray… a gray stone. Could it be? No way, did we come all this way just to end up in a parking lot?
I really hope that’s not the case.

Gray. But this isn’t a parking lot. In fact, it’s rather unusual to find everything so gray up to this point. And all the stones here seem to have the same quality.

It seems they have a slippery texture and appearance. They feel smooth to the touch. Stone Lover mentioned there were slippery stones, but I didn’t expect to find so many here

Roll, roll, roll~.
Slippery, slippery, slippery~.

This is my first time experiencing stone collecting like this. A coastline almost filled with slippery gray stones. How should I pick them up? They’re all the same in color, texture, and density, with no patterns. Perhaps the focus should be on their shapes.
Focusing solely on their shapes. A first attempt.

Slippery, slippery, slippery~

I wonder if the color changes slightly due to humidity; this area appears somewhat light brown. Or perhaps there are some stones here that mix with gray and have slightly different shades. I have no memory of that. It’s probably best to write a diary entry right away.

After picking up and bringing home the stones, washing and arranging them, I feel satisfied and find it hard to muster the motivation to write in my diary. As time passes, memories fade away.

However, reflecting on those photos with nostalgic feelings while recalling that coastline isn’t a bad idea. It would be better if my memories were clearer.

The coastline has become quite dark, and staying longer would make it difficult to distinguish stones at the next spot, so I’ll end the stone collecting here. I wonder how ANDO is doing.

Slippery twelve stones. All stones of the same quality.
I remembered. I asked ANDO to help me find a stone with a good shape. A collaboration. Some of ANDO’s stones are also included in this.

Side cut. Same stone.
I don’t need twelve of the same stone, so I’ll select from here.

Pigeon-shaped Sablé cookies

Whirr, coo.

After these two? Why?



Stones picked up from the sea|Ishikawa Prefecture coast

The photos taken again. They look well-balanced like this. I see, that’s what it is. I’m interested in my past self.

Stones focused on shape have beautiful shading.
A pigeon, a chopstick rest, maybe a coin.

Indeed, the pigeon motif is prominent.

Not bad. It was a deep and enjoyable stone-collecting experience after a long time.
→Various stones I have picked up so far

The stone-searching journey with Charisma ANDO continues on and on.

→ Read from the first stone diary
You can choose a stone diary from / at the bottom of the menu on the right side of this site.

→A photographic work by ISHINOHITO.

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