Third attempt: picking up stones at the sacred site of Shizuoka Prefecture’s coast | Memories No. 33 |

Stone picking trip|Shizuoka prefecture Ayamezawa coast

November 27, 2016. 

Today I picked up stones at Shobuzawa. This will be my third attempt. Last time, I wrote about my memories of Kawazuhama Beach, where I stopped by before then.

The beautiful Kawazu cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in this area from late January to early March.
Next time I go to collect stones, I’ll probably go during that season. But it looks cold.

By the third time, the journey from the station to Shobuzawa was smooth. It’s a strange feeling, as if you’re in your hometown, with distant relatives.

Take this road to the Shobuzawa coast. A narrow road that can only accommodate one car. It’s a pretty steep hill, and my heart is always pounding as I’m descending it.

A mysterious stone at the end of the road.

I reached the coast.
Well, the location of this place is still good. It’s nice that the beach is so small that you can see the whole area.
It’s been raining on and off, but I don’t care about that. I’ve gotten used to picking up stones in the rain lately.

Start picking it up right away.

Coro Coro Coro

This is what the falling stone looks like. It’s starting to get a little wet.
Stones other than agate and quartz look colorful at first glance and make you want to pick them up, but compared to Omaezaki and Shichirimihama, they have a lower density. When you hold it in your hand, it feels light and smooth.
In addition, they are not polished by waves very much, have a rough texture, are not rounded, and often have a rugged shape.
Herein lies the secret of the difficulty of picking up stones in Ayamezawa. The material is good, but it’s hard to find one with a good shape and feel.

All stone. However, as we move away from the shore, the stones become large and scattered.

The smooth stone becomes very colored when it gets wet with water.
You pick it up because you like the color, and when you check it again after a while, you’re disappointed to find that it’s dried and the color is pale and dull. That’s pretty much it. How many times have I been fooled?

Unlike the coast that I always say looks like a “parking lot,” this coast is exciting when you first see it.
However, as mentioned above, it’s frustrating that I can’t find any good stones.

This is my third time, so I want to conquer it somehow.
He made full use of the experience he had accumulated and honed his nerves to stone.

Coro Coro Coro Coro
Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro Coro
The fatigue of repeatedly picking up stones had reached its peak and I was exhausted.
The rain is getting heavier, so I think I’ll go home.

So, were you able to pick up any good stones?

I walk home. When I think that this is the end of the long journey of stones, I feel sad, but at the same time, I feel relieved.
It is quite difficult to walk to Kawazu Station with such a tired body. Good luck, good luck.

It’s a mysterious fruit. I want to learn more about fruits and plants.

After that, I safely arrived at Kawazu Station and headed back to Nagoya.
Well, I did my best.

Stones picked up at sea|Shizuoka Prefecture Ayamezawa Beach

This is what the stone I found looked like.
→Various stones I have picked up so far
I don’t know, but I can’t see any good stones in this photo…
The photos are also bad.

Closer cut 1
Yeah. What do you think?

Closer cut 2
In fact, I feel like I picked up too much. Recently, the standards for picking up stones have become vague, such as even if they are not particularly attractive, they become more interesting or dated after being brought home. So, it’s a method of hitting a few shots with a bad gun.

Let me introduce you to the stones that caught my attention.

The white sparkle and red sparkle are beautiful.

An elegant and auspicious stone.

A stone like a peeled chestnut.

A stone that looks like a mushroom.

It’s not bad, these four aren’t bad. Rather good.
With this, it can be said that we have finally conquered the Ayamezawa coast. I would like to think so.

With this, the stone story that begins and ends with Ayamezawa is complete.

Next time, we will take a look at the actual situation at Hamachi Beach, a sacred place that has been overfished by TADA.

→ Read from the first stone diary
You can choose a stone diary from / at the bottom of the menu on the right side of this site.
→ The Beginning of the Journey
→ Aomori Edition
→ Beyond Aomori

→A photographic work by ISHINOHITO.
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今回の石の人のおすすめ(2024 9/7)
・ちょぼちょぼ 昔ながらの焼菓子 なつかしい味わい
・ユリイカ 2024年9月号 特集「石」(表紙と口絵/石の人)
石の本 その一
石の本 その二
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・美の壺 枯山水
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